Future Infrastructure Plans

The 2020 pandemic had a profound impact on the way organizations conduct business. For Trek Coalition it meant a disruption in one of our cornerstone operations, medical missions. Trek remained opportunistic and in 2020 donated a laparoscopic tower, monitor, scope, and instrumentation for our long-time partners in Ecuador.

While medical missions remain tentative, Trek plans to ramp up infrastructural support to on-the-ground organizations. Trek will leverage medical device donations to support the construction and maintenance of operating rooms and clinics in Ecuador, Egypt, and Ghana.

Furthermore, Trek continues to establish the use of Electronic Health records systems to improve the congruity of health care in Latin America. Stay tuned to hear what Trek has planned next!


Trek Hires Another Summer Intern


Trek Coalition is happy to invite Ely, a Junior at the University of Pittsburgh, as another one of our marketing and operations interns for the Summer of 2021. Ely will be working to further Trek’s impact in providing relief to underdeveloped communities by social media/online marketing, expanding the new medical device program, assisting with business operations, and creating new ways for Trek to generate funding for the expansion of medical equipment to underdeveloped countries. Trek’s ongoing relationship with the College of Business Administration at Pitt has been a wonderful asset to our operations over the years.

For more information, contact us at contact@trekcoalition.org

Trek's Summer Intern

Trek Coalition is happy to invite Benjamin, an incoming senior at the University of Pittsburgh, as our marketing and operations intern for the Summer of 2021. Benjamin will be working to further Trek’s impact in bringing better healthcare to underdeveloped communities by social media marketing and expansion of an exciting new medical device program. Trek’s ongoing relationship with the College of Business Administration at Pitt has been a great asset to our operations over the years.

For more information, contact us at contact@trekcoalition.org

Return to Mission Trips

Recently, Trek Coalition conducted a study to assess the readiness of volunteers and organizations to return to medical missions (MM’s) while determining the perceived importance. A 10-question survey was disseminated to 40 past volunteers as well as 5 organizations to collect the data reflected in the chart below. The results showed a variety of insights, including that >50% of participants indicated they would be ready to return to MM’s by this summer. The perceived importance of MM’s from both the volunteer and organizational standpoint was greater than 4/5. This information is useful in determining Trek Coalition’s next steps related to the return to MM’s while continuing to navigate the pandemic.


Summary of volunteer and organizational responses to readiness to return to medical missions 

Trek Coalition

Trek's Spring Intern


Trek Coalition is happy to invite Meredith, a Senior at the University of Pittsburgh, as our marketing and operations intern for the Spring of 2021. During this time, Meredith will be working to further our goals as an organization in providing relief to underdeveloped countries by expanding our social media reach and getting our message out to the public to bring awareness to our mission. Trek’s ongoing relationship with the College of Business Administration at Pitt has been a great asset to our operations over the years.

For more information, contact us at contact@trekcoalition.org



Trek is excited to announce a new member of the team! Paola Aguiar is a Merida, Yucatan, Mexico native currently attending the College of Business Administration at the University of Pittsburgh. She will be acting as the Trek Coalition Summer Marketing/Operations Intern where she will help develop and implement a marketing plan as well as assist in operational activities. To learn more about Paola click the link below.